Semente de Brizantha Piatã

Main features of the plant

It is a medium-sized plant with erect and crispy growth (clump shape) and with a height between 0.85 m and 1.10 m. Ideal for consortium with Estilosantes Campo Grande. It has thin green stalks (4 mm in diameter) and a high leaf-stem ratio, which provides better forage quality



Scientific name: Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piata

Soil fertility: medium, high

Form of growth: erect, caespitose

Height: 0.85 to 1.10 m

Use: direct grazing, haymaking

Digestibility: excellent

Palatability: excellent

Rainfall: above 800mm annually

Drought tolerance: medium

Cold tolerance: medium

Dry matter protein content: 11 to 13%

Consortium: Estilosantes Campo Grande

Sowing depth: 2 to 4 cm

Vegetative cycle: perennial

Forage production: 10 to 18 t. ms/ha/year

Pasture leafhoppers: tolerant

Vc/ha points: 400-600

Main features of the plant

It is a medium-sized plant with erect and crispy growth (clump shape) and with a height between 0.85 m and 1.10 m. Ideal for consortium with Estilosantes Campo Grande. It has thin green stalks (4 mm in diameter) and a high leaf-stem ratio, which provides better forage quality

Main agronomic characteristics

Resistance to leafhoppers typical of pastures. Suitable for medium to high fertility soils. Does not support soaked soils. Greater animal weight gain among brachiaria.