Semente de Black Oats

*** Black oat is a winter grass and is best suited for cutting, it has high tillering capacity and fast growth. It is a great producer of green pasta, rich in protein and highly appreciated by animals as a forage. Oats var. Strigosa is adapted to poorer soils and low temperatures in the tropics and is widely cultivated for forage, mainly in the Southeast and South regions.



Scientific name: Avena strigosa

Family: Poaceae

Cycle: Early.

Planting season: April to June.

Seed density: 75 to 85 kg/ha (seeding and broadcast increase by 30%)

Spacing: 17 to 30cm

Depth: 2 to 3 cm

Animal entrance: 25 to 30 cm tall

Animal removal: 10 cm.

Dry mass: 5 to 7 t/ha

Protein: 13%

Dry resistance: LOW

Palatability: HIGH

Use: Direct grazing, grains, haymaking and silage

*** Black oat is a winter grass and is best suited for cutting, it has high tillering capacity and fast growth. It is a great producer of green pasta, rich in protein and highly appreciated by animals as a forage. Oats var. Strigosa is adapted to poorer soils and low temperatures in the tropics and is widely cultivated for forage, mainly in the Southeast and South regions.

Sementes Caiçara

Sementes Caiçara, sempre inovando para melhor atendê-los.

Fale Conosco

Rua Coroados, 250 | Brejo Alegre - SP

CEP: 16265-000

WhatsApp: (18) 99691-9216
Atendimento: (18) 3646-1337



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